Monday 31 December 2012


Happy new year!

Hey! Its been a few months since I created this blog. But I dont have time to post new entry. okay. As I highlight above, its a new year. Its the last day of the month of the year. And in about 10 minutes more til.... the 1 January of 2013. Yah! Great.

Well, I just want to let the misery moment of end 2012 washed away. I dont get so many A's in my final exam,  takde rezeki. I'll try my best to get 8A's on my big exam soon. Lets just say PMR. hah. So I just let the past remains as past and think forward! :)

2013... There's a lot of new things that im going to face. haha. Almaklumlah, Form 3. Pressure sana sini. Gonna be so busy with study lah. I registered into maths clinic. Im pretty sure they can help me with my study. Yea. School gonna start in 2 more days.. Talking about school, teachers must give us a lot of homeworks. Last batch PMR lah katakan.. haih

homeworks! homeworks! homeworks!
Tired with homeworks. Nah


Love, Yumi

Thursday 13 December 2012

It's hard when it comes to let go of someone you love because that someone dont love you anymore and you want to let em free. It feels like putting yourself in a bad situation which means making yourself cry all night.. Its something like.. You know, its something like punishing yourself. I just dont know how to explain how it really feel.

Its just that I feel empty I feel nothing. Its like there's a big hole in my heart and it is something I just cant explain. I dont feel anything anymore. Nothing. Heartless.
